Parshas Toldos



Parshas Toldos (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


I’m sure the question bothers us all, how is it possible for greatest of the greatest, Yitzchok Avinu, to  be so mistaken about Esav.  He loved him dearly.  Perhaps we can say that Esav, with all his faults, had a positive side to him that was truly very great.  This means in chessed, in tefilah and Torah.  With chessed–his great mesiras nefesh in treating lepers with repulsive puss infections.  Tefilah, Yitzchok seeing him davening with tremendous devotion; Torah–trying very hard to connect with the tradition of Shem.  Esav had his faults which he hid but there certainly was what for Yitzchok to love.  Yitzchok also loved and appreciated Yaakov.  When it came apparent that he gave the brachos to Yaakov it was clear to him that it went through Hashgacha to the right one.


This is a great path to understand and appreciate Yitzchok Avinu, one of the greatest giants of the universe.


Have a wonderful Shabbos and a magnificent and fulfilling Chodesh.

Parshas Vayeira



Parshas Vayeira (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


Moiradik, Moiradik, who is Lot, who is this Lot, Avraham adopted him as his own and in ruchniyus he was his closest talmid anjd likewise in riches.  The abundance caused conflict; Avraham tested him and gave him the choice who should move.  He should have broken down and cried–move from the Rebbe, instead HE moved to Sodom with the reshaim.  There he was captured by the Kidarlaomer episode.  Avraham put himself out tin great battle to save him.  Again Sodom was being destroyed for their great wickedness and with awesome mesiras nefesh he was saved from among the wicked he chose to live with.  One insight we have is the episode of his awesome act of hachnosas orchim with the Malachimj and his great mesiras nefesh to save them.  This reveals explicitly that there was certainly true greatness in him which Avraham certainly connected to and realized.


Have a wonderful and significant Shabbos.