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Parshas Shlach (5761)


Parshas Shlach (5761)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

To be cognizant of the blessings we have from Hashem and to be thankful and happy for them is well known to be a major part of our service to Hashem.  We have, however, a Medrash in this week’s parsha that sheds a completely new light on the subject.  Medrash Rabba (16:20) “Vatisa Kol HaAida Vayitnu es Kolom”.  Hashem proclaimed that you cried in vain before Me, now I will establish a wail for generations.  At that time the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash was decreed so that Bnei Yisroel will be dispersed among the Gentiles”.  The biggest tragedy that has befallen Klal Yisroel is the churban and as the Medrash itself explains that the worst aspect of it was the end result of being dispersed among the gentiles.  All the subsequent tragedies that struck Klal Yisroel are a consequence of the churban; including the holocaust and the contemporary horrors.

The Chazal through the special auspices of Divine inspiration enlightened us to something that would otherwise be secret and unknown.  HaKadosh Baruch Hu was bestowing upon us a tremendous blessing, an awesome gift and treasure.  Klal Yisroel, instead of appreciating it and instead of being overcome with the greatest feelings of gratitude, complained.  What would we say should be the punishment for complaining about a blessing?  The greatest calamity that ever befell us!!

This lesson has special significance to us today.  We are living in a time that unfortunately we are witness to many tragedies.  At the same time Hashem is showering us with many gifts and lavish blessings.  The tzoros must not blind us to the gifts and we must lift our hearts and voices in true praise.

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