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Parshas Pikudei:A Happiness Workshop (5760)

Parshas Pikudei:A Happiness Workshop (5760)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

During this week we have entered the “Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha” time zone. This does not seem to fit well with the Parsha of Pidukei that has the taste of orders and regimentation.

“Marbim B’Simcha”, happiness, is something which is considered a state that one is in as a result of various circumstances that cause joy. Something that happens, an event, an experience, a thought, has affected us in a way that brings us the feeling of joy. I call it the weather report syndrome—our mood swings are compared to being subjected to weather conditions; cloudy, rainy, snowy and beautifully sunny and bright. There is a great truth, however, which is hidden from most of us. It is of utmost importance and has an extreme effect on almost every phase and situation of our lives. We should inscribe this into the deep recesses of our hearts and ingrain it into our minds. Our moods and disposition are aspects of our mental framework, which is in our hands and control. To be happy and joyous is up to us, open to our discretion and is at our disposal. And so the rigid framework of Parshas Pikudei is very much in place and in the right time frame.

To be B’Simcha is a state, WE have to create,
It is a mentality that is up to us to generate,
So do it now, there is nothing to negotiate,
Take care of it yourself, there is nobody to whom to delegate,
It is an awesome shame for anyone to wait,
To procrastinate a second is already too late,
So be B’Simcha, there is really nothing so great.

The question arises, are we happy in Adar for the good things that happened or good things will happen if we can make ourselves happy? Probably both are true. There is a list of wonderful consequences that will result in our being B’Simcha in Adar, ranging from deep spiritual accomplishments that have their roots in the ‘Kaballah’ to logical, understandable factors. Among the practical benefits is that it serves as a “training program” or “refresher course” to enable us to maintain a good mindset of Simcha all year round. Another important way we can benefit is whenever there are special opportunities for spiritual growth these opportunities are greatly magnified and enhanced if they are accompanied by ‘simcha’. We have a tradition that the month of Adar is rich in its potential to reach great spiritual heights. This puts a new perspective on the importance of ‘simcha’ in Adar. In this light the Medrash in this week’s Parsha (52:5) brings a Chazal that says: Outside of Yerushalayim there was a special place designated for business transactions. In Yerushalayim itself it was forbidden because the potential aggravation and hard feelings that often accompany business dealings are not fit for the simcha one should have in Yerushalayim. Since Yerushalayim is the ultimate place of spiritual growth we must always elevate our level of simcha there. Likewise, in the same light, the Gemara relates that Rava always started his discourse with some humor. This simcha was a prerequisite for the intense depth that followed.

Everyone has his own simcha recipes and it is important to use them and I’ll share some of my own:
Early to rise—especially using the advice of Chazal (Mesechtas Brachos) to daven “kivasikin”.
Counting your blessings
“Toras HaShem Misamchei Lev”, an increase in Torah study.

“Mi ShenichNESS Adar Marbim B’Simcha”
Which Ness?

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