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Parshas Behaaloscha


Parshas Behaaloscha (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha we have the instructions for Klal Yisroel for their journey through the desert. On first thought the subject seems very technical and dry. However, there really lies here the revealing of a great lesson and a great light. The introduction of these instructions is the holy cloud of the Shchina that rested upon the Ohel Moed with the completion of the Mishkan. From there comes the travel plans based on this holy cloud. The pasuk (9:19) emphasizes “ b’haarich he’anan al hamishkan yomim rabbim”; (9:20) “v’yesh asher yihiyeh heannan yamim mispor al hamishkan”… v’alpi Hashem yisau”. Everything depends solely and unpredictably on the movement of the cloud. The entire Klal Yisroel was completely dependent on the ‘whims’ of the cloud. All this is to emphasize the leadership of the Shchinah. When thinking deeply into this phenomenon imagine how much of a test this was; the idea of not knowing what the next step was going to be. How awesome, so completely dependent on Hashem. In such a basic issue of the travel, the next move.

It was a lesson of complete hisbatlus to Hashem on a high level. Now we can understand that for their movement they had to hear the sound of the chatzotzrah which is the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashonah, tekiah, teruah, tekiah, the sounds of declaring the Kingdom of Hashem with all the depth of the malchios of Rosh Hashanah.

It was decreed upon Klal Yisroel the wander in the desert because of their lack of complete reliance on Hashem exhibited in the episode of the meraglim. This was rectified by subjugating themselves to the leadership of Hashem in the midbar.

The lesson for us is very obvious and pertinent. We have to search for Hashem and follow in His path.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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