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Parshas Shemini 5777

Parshas Shemini 5777
by Mordechai Dolinsky

10:1 – Nadav and Avihu were guilty of bringing a ketores with an aish zarah. Rashi quotes Rebbe Yishmael’s opinion that they were bringing a ketores and it was while indulging guilty of drinking wine while doing the avodah. How can we reconcile the terms of an aish zarah and the drinking of wine? And why were they guilty of drinking? Perhaps you can say wine brings uplifting of the neshamah, tremendous simcha and joyous disposition. This is a tremendous asset in the avodas H shem and this was there intent. However, it was there own originality. This is the point they were found guilty of, this is called the aish zarah of R Yishmael. Perhaps you can likewise consider that this is related to the shita of R Eliezer that they were guilty of establishing halacha without consulting with Moshe Rabeinu. So we can reconcile that they did drink wine and this is called an aish zarah and this is moreh halacha lifnay raboh. Why is it aish zarah, because they made a fire in their soul, it was a good intent, but it was moreh halacha lifnay raboh. We should all be zocheh that H shem should enlighten us what our avodas is and we can have hatzlachah fulfilling it.

Have a fulfilling chodesh wonderful Shabbos.


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