Parshas Beshalach



Parshas Beshalach (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


14:8–Rashi– there is an awesomely important point in Rashi concerning the input of Hashem on the daas of Paraoh.  It seems that Paroah was actually debating with himself whether to pursue the chase after Klal Yisroel to continue his harmful agenda.  It was in this matzav that Hashem imposed the negative decision.  If he would have been completely positive himself about not harming Klal Yisroel Hashem would have left him with decision.  A great new insight.


Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo



Parshas Bo (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


An astounding point in our parsha is the despicable behavoir of Paraoh.  We are accustomed to observing it as an issue of sinning  or lack of repenting.  However, the outstanding point is the obnoxious behavior of the committment and repeatedly just completely ignoring his committment and just going against his word.


Paroah, Paroah, once, twice, again, no shame.  Paroah is a manifestation of the yetzer harah.  Hashem give us the strength and the wisdom for our success in our trials in life.


Have a wonderful Shabbos.