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Chanukah 5779



Chanukah 5779

by Mordechai Dolinsky


A new insight to the ruchnius of Chanukah.  Besides the regular kedusha of the fulfillment of all the mitzvos that are connected to Chanukah, over the complete 8 days min HaShomayim there comes a special ruach of inspiration of chizuk in bitachon v’emunah for all Klal Yisroel.


The pirsumai nissah of Chanukah is how the Shchinah showed itself so very outstandingly clearly.  How a small minority group of neemanei Ha Torah were victorious over an extremely massive army of sonai Hashem and the Torah.  This is the light of the Menora; the Torah that was saved, this is the light of the Menora.


Have a true aliya from the pirsumeir nissah and a freilichen Chanukah.

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