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Parshas Toldos 5779

Parshas Toldos (5779)

By Mordechai  Dolinsky

Something so very difficult in the parsha; Yitzchok has in mind to give the brachos to Esav, and Esav only; he feels him, smells him, to be sure.  Hidden from him, he gave the grand presentation to Yaakov, completely.  The brachos were received, recognized, honored and realized to Yaakov.  How do we begin to comprehend?

A most important factor in the strength of the bracha is actual physical closeness between the giver and receiver of the bracha.  We can observe this physical contact/concept in other areas such as Moshe giving over the leadership of Klal Yisroel to Yehoshua.  Also pertaining to   korbonos we have the physical semichah on the animal.

This has special meaning to us, try to deliver your well-meaning brachos face to face.

Another avenue of thought for the brachos properly reaching Yaakov even if Esav was Yitzchok’s initial address for the brachos  under everything Yitzchok had only one thing in mind, and one thing only and that was Klal Yisroel, its future, its benefit and structure.  And so the brachos went exactly where Yitzchok intended them to with the greatest success imaginable.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and fruitful Chodesh.

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