Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5768)


Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

After all considerations the main attributing factor for which Klal Yisroel was worthy for the awesome miracle of Krias Yam Suf was their emuna in Hashem.

We should all inspire and strengthen ourselves in our belief and confidence in Hashem in order to be worthy of the great geula sh’layma that we should see speedily in our days.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a meaningful Yom Tov and greatest blessings to all.

Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5767)


Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is vital that we don’t lose sight of themost important aspect of the kriyas Yam Suf, amidst all the “vorts” and deep concepts–the simplicity of how Hashem manipulated and orchestrated the Egyptians being caught in the middle of the miraculous opening of the sea.  Such an open, clear act of Hashem’s Kingdom and control down to the nitty gritty of actuality.  We must integrate this realization into our daily lives.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5767)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

“Bicholo Dor V’dor chayav adam liros es atzmo…”—we are required in every generation to feel as if we ourselves were redeemed from Egypt. The simple understanding of this is that it is a tool to enable us to feel the gratitude to Hashem.

A deeper understanding; the lesson the Pesach is the Divine control over the Universe, and that the exact predicament and situation we find ourselves in is solely from Divine control—to such an extent that we must feel that here and now the only reason we aren’t slaves today in Egypt is Hashem’s Will, to such a degree that it is as though we just went out.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Pesach (5767)


Pesach (5767)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The object of Pesach in general, and of the seder night in particular, is to receive very specific spiritual nutrients that we are blessed with only on Pesach.  Avraham Avinu searched for Hashem and Hashem eventually revealed Himself to him.  Klal Yisroel wanted to find Hashem and Hashem revealed Himself to them through the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim.  This revelation repeats itself every year on the seder night and the rest of Pesach.

Such a scene that has been taking place thousands of years by millions  of people all over the world, the head of the family or group transmitting the events related to the yetzias mitzrayim.

All our dear friends and relatives are invited to our Pesach mesiba at our home Motzai Shabbos Chol Hamoed.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov.

Shvii Shel Pesach (5766)


Shvii Shel Pesach (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

We approach the last lap or climax of our Yom Tov of Pesach, which is really a Divinely planned supercharged week of inspiration and reinstatement of our belief in Hashem’s kingship; His absolute control over the world.  The ultimate enlightenment and Hashem’s most open demonstration to His Creation was shown through the suspenseful episode of kriyas Yam Suf.

Every fraction of a second is rich with spiritual nourishment.  Make use of this magnificent treasure that is with us only now, and reap from it rewards forever.

Chag Sameach.

Parshas Acharai – Shabbos HaGadol – Erev Pesach (5765)


Parshas Acharai – Shabbos HaGadol – Erev Pesach (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The sons of Aharon were punished for something for which the commandment was not yet given.  It was because they understood themselves that it shouldn’t have been done.  We are held responsible for all we comprehend on our own which is right or wrong.

This is perhaps the most important Shabbos of the year.  We receive spiritual gifts of understanding (hashpaos) for Pesach since it occurs in this week, which is the foundation of everything.  Perhaps this is the reason it is called Shabbos HaGadol.

Use every moment of Pesach for the purpose that it was given which is to grow and be inspired in Emuna.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach and have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol (5762)


Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the Medrash (10:6) of our parsha there is a Chazal that the attire of the Kohanim is atonement for sins equivalent to the sacrifices.  The message is that what we wear is an integral part of serving Hashem.  In every generation there is a form of dress that identifies us as Clal Yisroel, the nation of Torah observant Jews.  We should embrace that form of dress to identify ourselves with our loyalty to Hashem.

On Shabbos HaGadol we are recipients of great spiritual gifts.  In its week we are recipients of the most important date of the calendar for the acquisition of Emunah; the night of the seder and rest of Pesach.  The night of the seder and Pesach are our source of faith.

It is absolutely crucial to prepare during the next few days.
Study the Haggadah—Learn Chazal and Medrashim pertaining to Yetzias Mitzrayim—Get ample rest in order to utilize every moment of the night of the seder until dawn.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and we should be zocheh to see the Geulah Sh’layma Bikarov.

Getting the Most out of Pesach

Getting the Most out of Pesach
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Everything that we do the whole year is affected by the level of our Emunah, the belief in HaShem as the Creator and the Supreme source of the world’s continued existence.  Every single object, all energy, and systematic sense of order are present only by His will.  Every test, ordeal, and trial, be it something we are responsible to HaShem for, or to our fellow man, in order to be properly motivated we must draw from our reservoir of Emunah.  The main source of this spiritual nourishment of Emunah is the Yom Tov of Pesach.  The main time for this is the seder night, during the seder, with the fulfillment of the Mitzvos and the rest of the night.  It is extremely essential to bear this in mind.  The central focus of the seder is to acquire the Emunah for oneself, to inspire one’s children, family, and guests.  I would suggest to concentrate during the seder on these essentials, and not to cloud it with complicated commentaries.  Be sure to begin the seder on time, and it should be done with “zerizus”, lively and interesting.  After the seder, the rest of the night is the time to delve in greater depth into Yetzias Mitzraim.

The Brisker Rav ztz”l, with his keen sense for the truth, points out that the public at large has made a priority error.  Shavuos night it is only a custom to keep awake, primarily based on Kabbalah sources, and yet it is so popularly observed, very often at the expense of the simcha of the Yom Tov.  To the contrast of the seder night, staying up is of such extreme importance that it is even mentioned in the Hagaddah itself.  Yet, we don’t find this custom so popular among the public.  The proper perspective is that the night of the seder is so precious and every moment has in store the ability to enable us to acquire Emunah.

Another important issue is the evenings of Chol HaMoed.  It was always a big question as to what exactly was the avoda of these special times.  On Succos we have the gift of the Simchas Bais HaShoevah.  But what about Pesach?  Then finally came the realization that the preceedings of the seder night is a prototype example as to how the rest of the evenings of Pesach should be spent, ‘sipur yetzias mitzraim’—being inspired by the great miracles and the acquisition of Emunah.

Here I sit in Yerushalayim, hoping yet to be able to bring the Korban Pesach this year.  We should be zocheh soon to the Geulah Sh’layma.  Chag Kasher V’Sameach to all.