Succos (5769)


Succos (5769)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Succos is a most vital ingredient in our spiritual nourishment for the year.  The greatest benefit we can derive from it is by focusing in depth on the open demonstration of Hashem’s sovereignty that He displayed by keeping alive Klal Yisroel for the duration of their years in the desert.

Have a meaningful, simchadik Yom Tov.

Yom Kippur – Succos (5768)


Succos (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Torah expresses to us its selection of the esrog that it can remain growing on the tree from year to year—hador al hailan mishana l’shana,  We may say that this is more than a hint but is rather an outstanding attribute of its essence.

Why is this a positive attribute?  It is noteworthy that in the course of the awesome Yom Kippur service the Kohain Gadol has whole array of objects that their beginnings are waiting for his continued service.  He says vidui on the “par” the it waits; he makes a goral on the goats and then they wait; he again goes back to the “par” makes a second vidui, slaughters it and then it waits, this process goes on and on.  From the complete picture of this emerges a concept of the supreme importance of allowing something to stand for the right time to come.  Likewise the essence of an esrog is that it can stand from year to year.  This is supreme lesson for life-don’t insist on “now”, allow time for the right thing to happen.

Have a very joyous and significant Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah.

Chag HaSuccos & Shabbos Chol HaMoed (5768)


Chag HaSuccos & Shabbos Chol HaMoed(5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The succa is powerful tool to enable us to be intensively connected with Hashem.  This is accomplished by perpetuating the demonstration of the presence and control of Hashem.

Concering the malchus of Rosh Hashana, my Rebbe, Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l brought to our attention that the present lack of true kingdom and royalty creates a difficulty in relating to Hashem as a king.  Perhps the open demonstration of the Hashgacha Pratis that is so predominantly open today for those who seek it, is an even greater and more meaningful manifestation of the Malchus Shomayim.

The main point of the miracle of the midbar, the annenei hakaovd,  more than the fact that we were saved, is the means of how Hashem saved us; the open demonstration of His Presence and His true Kingdom.   This is the essence of the schach and the lesson of the succa which keeps us connected to Hashem.

Have a joyous and meaningful Succos and Shabbos.

Simchas Torah (5767)


Simchas Torah (5767)

One of the deepest ideas of all of our hashkafos is that Hashem and the Torah are one and the absolute way to cling to Hashem is to attach oneself to Hashem’s Torah.  We see a realization of this deep concept by the celebration of all Clal Yisroel of simchas Torah.  This is really an invitation by Hashem to
celebrate with Himself.

Have a wonderful Yom Tov. And Shabbos.

Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)


Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

“Vizorach Misaier Lamo”—Rashi quotes the Chazal of the offer from Hashem to bnei Esav and Yishmael for the Torah and their refusal.  Elsewhere is explained their objections were the commandments against murder and theft.  R’ Chayim Volozhin sharply points out that it wasn’t just a cold refusal but rather these commandments interfered with their respective means of livelihood.  He then points out how much care must be taken on our part not to be negligent in our obligations to the Torah with the rationalization that it is interfering with our parnassa, for it would chas v’shalom echo the voices of Yishmael and Esav.

This is a very timely message for the time that we are rejoicing with the Torah.

Have a lovely Shabbos, a joyous Yom Tov and a wonderful year.

Succos (5763)


Succos (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Succos as all the Yomim Tovim has many beautiful aspects that bring us a lot of joy.  The Yom Tov also was intended to provide us with a spiritual nourishment essential for our spiritual diet.  This is crucial for the various tests and trials during the course of the future.

As we sit in the Succa and focus on the schach we must see it as the Schechina hovering over us; Hashem Himself showering upon us His love, His attention and His constant personal care.  His in-depth knowledge of every single one of our exact needs and His constant response to them.  Because the succa is so awesomely connected to Hashem Himself it is understandable the unique holiness the succa contains which is not present by any other mitzvah.

This explains the special mitzvah of simcha also unique for the Succa, for the realization of the connection with Hashem brings the greatest joy.

Let’s all have a wonderful Yom Tov full of spiritual satiation and showered by all the blessings that come along with it, for ourselves and all Clal Yisroel.