Parshas Bo


Parshas Bo (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The commandment of the korban Pesach was given to Moshe Rabeinu and Aharon on Rosh Chodesh Nissan to speak to Klal Yisroel on Rosh Chodesh for them to take the lamb on the 10th of Nissan. It has to be slaughtered on the 14th and had to eaten on the night of the 15th; for periods: rosh chodesh, the 10th, the 14th and the 15th. The lesson is to come to close and to gain from ruchnius we need preparation. The aizov seems unimportant but with the proper preparation and understanding we break the barriers and we appreciate its beautiful wonders.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5772)


Parshas Bo (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The tzivuy for Chag HaPesach given in our sedra (12:17) the pasuk says “ki b’etzem hayom hazeh yatzasem”–I took you out; what an awesome peleh, here they are sitting in Egypt, waiting for a seemingly impossible miracle and they are given a command to celebrate it as if it happened. As an explanation we can say that they merited to be redeemed for that very reason, the emnuah and bitachon had to be so real as though it had actually already happened and through that they were worthy for it to happen.

We should be zocheh to see our geulah sh’laym b’karov and have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5771)

Parshas Bo (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Indeed, our parsha is full of sources that should and must inspire us especially considering that the whole picture of our avodas Hashem should be based on the inspiration that we should get from the “makos”.  It is however, a priority to point out that as the days go by in our dark galus there seems to be a greater callousness and lack of sensitivity to all in our envoirnment; parents to children, children to parents, neighbors, friends and it the highest priority in our purpose of existence in this world and serving Hashem to connect with all human beings.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5770)


Parshas Bo (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The point of yetzias Mitzrayim, that is the miracles of the 10 makos, is to internalize them to serve as the underlying motivation for our total commitment for serving Hashem.  Stemming from our gratitude to Him and recognizing His complete sovereignty over the universe and all its powers.  Make use of these sedros to be inspired.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5769)


Parshas Bo (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

These parshios of the miracles of the plagues and yetzias mitzrayim are meant for a constant source of inspiration as they were at the time they occurred.

The theme, the lesson and inspiration of most of the makos were movement;  the spurting of the blood, jumping of the frogs, the springing of the fleas, the devasting movement of hail and the most obvious movement of the locust.  Likewise Hashem commends Klal Yisroel for their “movement”.

12:12 The awesome significant korban Pesach is so called to commemorate Hashem”s “skipping” and “leaping” over the houses of Bnai Yisroel.  This was in the merit of Bnai Yisroel’s “skipping” and “jumping” (see Rashi) which we can say was inspired by the movement of the makos.

Have a wonderful inspiring, uplifting Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5768)


Parshas Bo (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Chazal in the Medrash relate our yoke of Torah to the yoke of slavery to Pharoh.  Many of us feel seriously committed to the fulfillment of Torah with the proper perspective yet lack in the extent of Torah involvement.   There is serious willingness to spend large sums of money for Tefilin and other Torah commandments but are lacking at the same time the true perspective of commitment to the study of Torah; the role model—our slavery to Pharoh.

May Hashem show us the right way and have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5767)


Parshas Bo (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Among the awesome lessons we learn from the “shibud” and the “yetzia” from Egypt is the extreme degree of wickedness that single human beings and for that matter a whole nation can degenerate to.  Just the most basic idea of forcing slavery on humans is despicable.  The masses joining hands, going along with mass wickedness; what a lesson of how individuals can blindly be committed to evil, swept along by the masses.

This can likewise happen to shomrei Torah u’mitzvos, and loyal followers of Hashem; to become blinded to mistakes, blemishes and wrong committed by many among us.

However, the worst factor of the Egyptians enslaving and torturing Klal Yisroel was that we were the nation of Yosef Hatzadik who was solely responsible for the survival of this wicked nation.  It was due to him that they were not totally annihilated by the ferocious, devastating famine.  The Jewish nation should have been eternally revered and honored by the Egyptians.  They should have showered our nation with graciousness and willingness to serve us in every way.

As the wise saying goes—when someone gives you a firm kick try to remember the great favor or service you did for them.  Perhaps we are witnessing in the Egyptians a reflection of this irrational human weakness.

We are constantly the recipients of goodness from individuals that surround us; our parents, spouses and from HASHEM!!  Let us learn from these low Egyptians to subdue and overcome this weakness and shower our benefactors with the greatest of gratitude.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5766)


Parshas Bo (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

It would seem that the worse aspect of the tenth plague would be the actual loss of the offspring.  However the pasuk (11:6)emphasizes the “tzeaka gedola” the great expression of anguish seems like the epitome of the affliction.

This focuses our attention on the cry; the expression of anguish and deep feelings of the heart.  Yosef’s brothers expressed regret and remorse about what was done to him despite their feelings that it was coming to him for not being sensitive to his cries.

The Medrash quotes an opinion that the real reason Moshe didn’t lead Clal Yisroel back to Egypt when caught at the sea, was that the return would cause awesome disappointment and anguish to the women and children.

Such a necessary, crucial lesson for our present cold-hearted, insensitive generation.

Have a wonderful, warm-hearted Shabbos.

Parshas Bo (5765)


Parshas Bo (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha we have a reference to the “aiyno yodaiah lishol”, one of the four types of sons mentioned in the Hagaddah, that the Torah addresses.  This term is not clear and many interpret it as an intelligence level lower than the “tam”, which doesn’t seem probable.  Another great puzzle is that the pasuk quoted for the answer we give to the “aiyno yodaiah lishol” is the same pasuk used for the “rasha”.

One of the most important and valuable human attributes is the practice of continuous, consistent searching for the truth.  A person whose inspiration for the quest of the truth has dried up, has ceased using this most vital human tool.  This, I would venture to say, is the “aiyno yodaiah lishol”—he is indeed very close to the “rasha” and they therefore share the same pasuk.

The necessity to constantly search is incumbent on the full range—from the non-believers to the greatest Torah scholars.  Our present generation is greatly lacking in this most important mind-set, and anyone who has the goal of a purposeful existence should get busy.

Have a wonderful, productive week.

Parshas Bo (5762)


Parshas Bo (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The plagues the Egyptians were subject to in our sedra are an awesome unveiling of the Divine Kingdom and Hashem’s sovereignty in the universe.  Yet they failed to allow this to enter their hearts and to be a driving force to submit themselves to the kingdom of Hashem and correct their wicked ways.  This phenomenon is absolutely mind-boggling and its implications are awesome.

In the course of the trials and tests that we are subject to by the Divine plan, we feel that if we were worthy of a greater demonstration of Hashem’s dominion over the universe we would have more success in standing up to our tests.

If we don’t align ourselves with aspirations of truth seeking all Hashem’s demonstrations cannot help.

Hashem, open our hearts and minds.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.