Parshas Tetzaveh


Parshas Tetzaveh—Parshas Zachor (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The bigdei kehuna in our parsha brings to our focus that the manner of dress is an integral part of the avodas Hashem; each of is in our specific circles, “misgeret”, where we find ourselves. We should pay attention to the dress codes as an important aspect of the avodas Hashem.

Keep in mind the importance these days of simcha which could be fulfilled by counting the various blessings that Hashem bestows upon us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and an awesomely freilichen Purim.

Parshas Tetzaveh – Zachor (5770)


Parshas Tetzaveh-Zachor (5770)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Torah selects only certain holy objects to explain their purpose (28:35). The golden paamon and rimon on the bottom of the Kohain Gadol’s garment was to hear; the movement of the Kohain Gadol was heard. Perhaps it was not to suddenly come without warning and scare the people around him; bain adam l’chavero.

Rashi says the lesson of false weights connected to Parshas Zachor is that the punishment for being negligent in monetary affairs brings the attack of goyim. Again – bain adam l’chavero.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Purim sameach.

Parshas Tetzaveh – Parshas Zachor (5769)


Parshas Tetzaveh—Parshas Zachor (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The most outstanding, obvious lesson of the bigdei kehuna is the importance and emphasis of the avodas hachitzon, the outward service. This is despite the extreme emphasis in the avodas Hashem on the penimius. Nevertheless our “exterior” has its importance.

Amalek attacked us under extreme stress for no reason. (and we actually were victorious). Hashem commands us to destroy them when we are completely free of any stress or tension. What is the lesson?

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tetzaveh-Zachor (5767)


Parshas Tetzaveh-Zachor (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash 36:3 in our sedra brings a Chazal that the learning of Torah equips us with a benefit that we can lighten up the surrounding darkness. This is a fringe benefit which is surely critical for us in this dark time of ikvisa demishicha. We are equipped with a powerful flashlight but we must turn it on.

Now, for this year’s insight into the wickedness of Amalek. What outstanding unique trait did they see in us that they felt so obligated to mercilessly attack a nation of innocent men, women and children, barely survivors of hundreds of years of tortured slavery imposed by the Egyptians? The one and only unique trait we have which our father Avraham acquired and passed on to us in the form of the creation of a great nation is the PURE BELIEF IN HASHEM. This is our uniqueness and what they saw in us that motivated their wicked desire to destroy us. Amalek—a nation that there is implanted in their very fiber the ideal and mentality to viciously destroy people who represent the truth. Machoh Timche es zecher Amalek.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a joyful, significant Purim.

Parshas Tetzaveh – Parshas Zachor (5766)


Parshas Tetzaveh – Parshas Zachor (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (38:5) explains that the significance in the honor and glory surrounding the attire of Aharon was a reflection of the honor of his Torah.  What a lesson especially for our generation where honor is mistakenly poured on musicians, singers and entertainers not really worthy of the Torah values we grant glory to.  Our mistakenly displaying honor and glory is at the expense of giving honor where it truly belongs which is to the Torah and only the Torah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tetzaveh – Parshas Zachor (5762)


Parshas Tetzaveh – Parshas Zachor (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parshas of Tetzaveh we have the commandment of making the Choshen HaMishpat. Rashi brings the Chazal that it is an attonement for deviating from justice. An explanation of the connection we can say that the Urim V’Tumim is a submission of our intellect to the Divine will.

This is indeed connected with the theme of parshas Zachor. The commandment of “mechikas Amalek”, the physical wiping out of the nation of Amalek is a commandment the secular world has used as a point of contention against the Torah. Even the Torah committed are troubled consciously or subconsciously by this commandment. However we visualize the extreme wickedness of Amalek it must be accompanied with the recognition and understanding that we submit our intellect to Hashem as the sole giver of life and consequently submit oursevles to His will to destroy them. This is the connection with the commandment of the Choshen HaMishpat.

Have a very happy and wonderful Shabbos and we should see the true redemption speedily.

Parshas Terumah (Parshas Zachor) 5761


Parshas Terumah (Parshas Zachor) 5761
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha amongst the commandments of the Mishkan we have the menorah. From its function as a giver of light we can see the extreme magnitude of its importance. Light represents clarity, revelation of the truth.

The specifications of the kaylim, although pure commandments, have lessons. The construction must be done with the utmost precision to the contrast to the lessons, which are open to originality.

The Menorah contained goblets, knobs, and flowers. Perhaps we can say the cups represent the trait of being a “mushpah”; the ability and the yearning to be a receiver of attitudes and knowledge. The flowers are at the other end of the spectrum, the trait of producing and giving out. Both traits although opposites are vital and of the utmost importance. The knob, a circle, represents the ability to have and use both, appropriately.

Now for a thought on Parshas Zachor. Amalek, besides being an actual wicked nation is also a form of evilness that can be a mental attitude or action. Unfortunately any human is vulnerable to this even a member of Klal Yisroel. What exactly this trait is, is open to speculation and it is imperative for us to try to pin-point and understand it.

Perhaps the most important objective as humans is to use our mental abilities to the utmost that all our endeavors make logical sense. We might not always succeed in this but at least it must be out goal. Sometime we witness an individual or group doing things that do not make any sense; they make no attempt to make use of mental capacities or capabilities. To be guilty of this is an atrocity of the worst nature.

Amalek of old was guilty of this likewise was Haman, Hitler, and the cruel contemporaries. Unfortunately, we might find this shortcoming even among ourselves.

Have we bulls-eyed on the essence of Amalek?

We should be zochech to see its complete eradication and the ultimate of giluy HaShem through Mashiach Tzidkainu.