Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5771)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5771)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

The most awesome and challenging aspect of the Seder is the obligation for one to feel as if he himself was redeemed from Mitzrayim.  The true meaning of this is that it is literally true, the fact that he is “out” is only because there is a personalized Will of Hashem and no other factor.

Have a wonderful and significant Shabbos.


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5770)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The main point of our Yom Tov is to keep focused that every moment is potent with receiving a strengthening and a realization of the emunah and gratitude. Shabbos this is compounded since Shabbos is also related to yetzias mitzrayim and the foundations of emunah.

Receive and enjoy.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Pesach (5770)


Pesach (5770)

As we enter the Yom Tov of Pesach we focus on the main purpose and theme—the strengthening and renewal of the emunah; the belief in Hashem as King of the Universe and our supreme gratitude to Him for which we commit and submit ourselves to His Will.  The main time for this is at the seder and continues the rest of the night and afterward, the rest of Yom Tov.

We should all be zocheh to receive the utmost blessings of the emunah and gratitude.

Chag Kosher V’Sameach.

Shvii Shel Pesach (5769)


Shvii Shel Pesach (5769)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

After the greatest demonstration of Hashem’s love for us and control over the universe, comes a cloud that tampers with the excitement and inspiration—the reversal of the Egyptian submission.  This is followed by again an awesome Divine demonstration.  A great life lesson to “ hang on” despite the dark clouds.  Let’s yearn for the coming of Moshiach.

Have a significant celebration of the krias Yam Suf.

Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5768)


Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

After all considerations the main attributing factor for which Klal Yisroel was worthy for the awesome miracle of Krias Yam Suf was their emuna in Hashem.

We should all inspire and strengthen ourselves in our belief and confidence in Hashem in order to be worthy of the great geula sh’layma that we should see speedily in our days.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a meaningful Yom Tov and greatest blessings to all.

Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5767)


Shvi’i Shel Pesach (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is vital that we don’t lose sight of themost important aspect of the kriyas Yam Suf, amidst all the “vorts” and deep concepts–the simplicity of how Hashem manipulated and orchestrated the Egyptians being caught in the middle of the miraculous opening of the sea.  Such an open, clear act of Hashem’s Kingdom and control down to the nitty gritty of actuality.  We must integrate this realization into our daily lives.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5767)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

“Bicholo Dor V’dor chayav adam liros es atzmo…”—we are required in every generation to feel as if we ourselves were redeemed from Egypt. The simple understanding of this is that it is a tool to enable us to feel the gratitude to Hashem.

A deeper understanding; the lesson the Pesach is the Divine control over the Universe, and that the exact predicament and situation we find ourselves in is solely from Divine control—to such an extent that we must feel that here and now the only reason we aren’t slaves today in Egypt is Hashem’s Will, to such a degree that it is as though we just went out.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Yom Tov.