Parshas Shmos 5779


Parshas Shmos 5779

By Mordechai Dolinsky

3: 2-4:  A most puzzling and difficult point in the parsha  is by the simplicity of how the חומש  presents the episode of how Moshe in his route has taken note of a flaming bush and decides it is something worth his observation.  This was taken note by HKB”H and obviously held in very high esteem that it was the point  that deserved the decision of Moshe the manhig.  What actually was obwserved that was so impressive?  There a few levels that could have caught Moshe’s attention to want to observe; a burning bush not being consumed or even having seen the שכינה there.  We cannot relate to this as anything special enough for him to be called a leader.  Moshe must have seen in the fire a special  גילוי in the dvar Hashem  that was the secret of the dvar Hashem of the 10 makos, the kriyas Yam Suf, the maamad Har Sinai.  This Moshe saw and for this wanted to return.  This min HaShaymin they said this is the manhig!!

The chizuk and inspiration for us is to have a sensitivity and alertness to special gems of ruchnius that are around us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.  

Parshas Shmos 5777


Parshas Shmos (57770
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The common understanding of Paraoh wanting to execute Moshe was as the murderer of the Mitzri. But perhaps we can say that Parph allowed Moshe in the palace not just as the common understanding as a “pet” of Basya despite that he was killing the boy babies of Klal Yisroel, rather he saw in Moshe signs of tremendous greatness. He was making an investment to win him as a power for Mitzrayim. When Moshe saw the Mitzri hitting a Yid and took up for him Paroh realized he failed and certainly did not want this giant for a leader for Klal Yisroel.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a Chodesh of Fulfillment.

Parshas Vayakhail


Parshas Vayakhail (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is so much to speak about, to write about, the main thing is to keep in mind that every moment, every second, is only for שלמות and for fulfilling the Will of Hashem, to stand up to nisyonos and to spread the kavod Shomayim.

Have a wonderful Shabbos. Don’t forget—משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה.

Parshas Ki Sisa


Parshas Ki Sisa (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The greatest ‘peleh’ is the sin of the Aigel. The answer is that Moshe Rabeinu in every way had no connection with derech hateva. It was simply impossible for Klal Yisroel to consider a leader of ‘basar v’dam’. We must let that sink in, that we are l’maalah min hateva’. The miracles of Purim were completely l’maalah min hatevah. The more we believe and connect ourselves and commit ourselves, the more we shall see.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, with nissim and yeshuos and simcha.

Parshas Tetzaveh


Parshas Tetzaveh (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The avodas hakohanim manifested in their clothing is a tremendous lesson for us that there is a avoda in clothing. This is manifested today is appreciating that Hashem has bestowed upon us the blessing of clothing which calls out our uniqueness as humans, the only creation that has clothing and reminds us that we have free will and a soul. It also brings to our consciousness that we have to thank Hashem for our clothing and that we have responsibility to glorify Hashem with clothing that is neat and is worthy for those that represent the will of Hashem in this generation.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parsha Terumah


Parshas Termuah (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is an aspect of the binyan haMishkan in our sedra of tremendous importance that is greatly overlooked. The idea and concept of a Mishkan or Bais HaMikdash is that it sits on the top of the Shaar HaShomayim, on Har HaBayis, that demands the various places and boundaries; the Azara, the Kodesh HaKodshim, the place of the aron. The kedusha stems from the place and accordingly we build and place the Mishkan or Bais Hamikdash. Considering this there should be no concept of a Mishkan that could be built in the Midbar. The greatness of the Mishkan is that through the building with the exact qualifications and specifications the Shchinah comes down and creates a real Ohel Moed, and Kodshai Kodshim. The kedusha that we have today in the Bais Knesses or Bais Medrash is a reflection of this chidush, that the Shchinah comes down and it is imperative that we relate to this in entering these places. It is not just a room that is designated for the use of davening, rather a place that is on a completely different plane of existance, filled with the kedusha of Shchinah and to connect with Hashem there.

We should be zocheh to see the binyan Bais HaMikdash b’karov. Have a wonderful Shabbos and a month of yeshuos and simcha for ourselves and all Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Mishpatim


Parshas Mishpatim (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

This parsha must inspire us to be sensitive to the many monetary situations which constantly surround us and that demand our awareness of our choshen mishpat obligations and the many pitfalls of very serious transgressions and wrongdoings in the financial arena. There is a tendency to think that this is limited and confined to people who have wicked intent, thieves. However there are countless choshen mishpat situations in our lives with our friends and neighbors that are opened to pitfalls in monetary matters.

In the zchus of our commitment and inspirations to fulfill our monetary obligations we should bring an abundance of bracha to ourselves and Klal Yisroel.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Yisro


Parshas Yisro (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The parsha of Matan Torah, the greatest, awesome, most significant event in all of history. What is amazing is that the pasuk just ‘slips’ into Matan Torah without the slightest introduction or fanfare. 19:2-3 “Vayisu Mayrafidim vayavou….u’Moshe oloh…”–the greatest event in the world without fanfare. The limud is that the real, real truth comes this way. We search and yearn for the real truth. We should know that this is how it comes; search and yearn and know in this world of darkness, this is the place of the truth.

Have a wonderful Shabbos

Parshas Bo


Parshas Yisro (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The parsha of Matan Torah, the greatest, awesome, most significant event in all of history. What is amazing is that the pasuk just ‘slips’ into Matan Torah without the slightest introduction or fanfare. 19:2-3 “Vayisu Mayrafidim vayavou….u’Moshe oloh…”–the greatest event in the world without fanfare. The limud is that the real, real truth comes this way. We search and yearn for the real truth. We should know that this is how it comes; search and yearn and know in this world of darkness, this is the place of the truth.

Have a wonderful Shabbos