Lag B’Omer

Lag B’Omer
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Probably one of the most puzzling, mystifying, dazzling and very enjoyable dates on our calendar is Lag B’Omer.  The date is weighted down with numerous important events.  One of the most popular is the cessation of the passing away of the talmidim of Rebbi Akiva.  The crown, of course, is the Yahrzeit, commemoration of the passing of the illustrious Reb Shimon Bar Yochai.  It is very strange that the day of the passing of such a giant should be a time of joy instead of mourning, and indeed there are poskim that are of that opinion.  The obviously accepted practice is of the other opinion–and HOW was it accepted.  It is truly mind boggling how this has been so unanimously received throughout Klal Yisroel.  Cutting across the board, literally throughout our nation.  The Sefardim, including the different ‘aidot”, the numerous congregations, the Ashkenazim, the various Chassidim and the Litvish.  All these are so fully represented by the multitudes and multitudes, thousands and thousands that arrive at his Tzion in Meron.  The widespread customs and halachos revolving around the lighting and burning of the fire.  How it is such an honor to be selected for the ceremony of the lighting.

The most tremendous perplexity is to understand what particular trait R’ Shimon bar Yochai had for which he was found worthy that such a magnificent Yom Tov should be made in his honor.  It seems that in all of history we don’t find anyone accredited such honor.

If we were stopped and asked what the single, most important and outstanding principle in the whole Yiddishkeit, our whole religion, is, what would be our reply?  What was our Avraham Avinu’s most important contribution and principle, that was his inspiration to create a nation which echoed down the millennia to this very day?

It was the realization and cognizance of the presence of Hashem in the world.  It is the sensory perception, the conscious awareness of the reality of Hashem’s presence.  Rashi in Beraishis 24:7 explains that before Avraham Avinu, HaShem was “Elokai HaShamayim” and through the teachings of Avraham Avinu HaShem was now called “Elokai HaAretz”!

If we need a verification of the supreme importance of this principle look at how the Shulchan Oruch Or HaChaim starts 1:1 : “Shivisi Hashem Linegdi Samid Hu Klal Gadol BaTorah”.

And such was the image of our nation all through our history.  Hashem’s presence was felt, at home, at work, on the road, all over.  His Name was constantly on our tongues and His Presence was in our minds.

Now the question of questions arises.  When we want to relate to HaShem what are we supposed to think about?  What is the concept of HaShem and how are we supposed to conceive of Him and understand Him?  Reb Shimon Bar Yochai, mainly through the Zohar, has taught us about HaShem, and has answered these questions.  The Arizal has crystallized for us this ‘chachma Elokis’ in his Etz Chayim.  Through sefarim such as Nefesh HaChayim and Sefer HaTanya, that are based on the Zohar and Etz Chayim, the chachma has been presented and brought to a level for Klal Yisroel to understand, even for those not on the plain to delve directly into Chachmas HaKabala.

It is imperative to know that the feeling and awareness of HaShem doesn’t come by itself.  It is something we must work on constantly to acquire and to keep.  It is an area that unfortunately is lacking today and we should use the inspiration of this Yom Tov to take upon ourselves to rejuvenate this awareness.  It comes out that our most pronounced principle is our connection to HaShem and R’ Shimon Bar Yochai has introduced us to the Ribbono Shel Olam.  R’ Shimon brought this great light to the world—let’s light up to him.

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