Parshas Korach (5760)


Parshas Korach (5760)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

From all of the negative incidents and incriminated individuals in the Chumash perhaps one of the most acutely criticized and put down is Korach. It is important to understand why he was placed on such a unique negative pedestal. In general, why is “machlokes” rated so highly on the “avlah” scale? Likewise we find that the flip side of machlokes which is “sholom” also has a top rating. To quote the Medrash in Bamidbar 21:1: “HaTorah Kula Shalom”. A person returns from a journey—we inquire as to his sholom, in the morning it is Shalom, in the evening it is Shalom, the bircas Krias Shma ends—HaPoreis Sucas Shalom, Shmone Esrei concludes with Shalom, Bircas Kohanim ends with Shalom. R’ Shimon ben Chalafta says that there is no vessel that contains blessing except shalom. The significance of shalom comes to a climax to the extent that it is one of the names of HaShem. It is considered so holy that even if mentioned in the context of an individual’s name it cannot be said in the bathhouse. The negative consequences of machlokes are quite obvious. The devastation and havoc that it leaves in its wake is sometime irreparable. But evil has many tools in its wicked arsenal, why is machlokes singled out for its wickedness?

Another aspect that is greatly puzzling was the punishment, the bowels of the earth opening and consuming Korach and his entourage. Weren’t any of the conventional punishments sufficient, skila, sraifa, hereg or chenek? Why did Moshe Rabbenu have to request such a severe and radical retribution?

R’ Tzaddok states that although in certain ways the ‘umos haolam’ are superior to Klal Yisroel in derech eretz it doesn’t have any real value since derech eretz is the consequence of the recognition of the presence of HaShem in the world. Since we are the only ones that possess this true insight of HaShem, it follows, says R’ Tzaddok, that we have the real derech eretz. The difficulty with his innovation is obvious. What is the connection between the two? I wish to share my insight in understanding his words. “Kulam BiChachma Asisa”—the whole creation shouts and is full of the infinite wisdom of HaShem. This statement is not just a suitable name for an enormous chapter, nor the name of a humongous book but the name of library filled with millions of books. As time marches on and the generations unravel the wisdom of HaShem becomes more revealed. Every organism, every cell, has such complete order, any amount of words in any language would only be an absolute massive understatement to this order. HaShem is revealing to us His infinite wisdom in which we see the ultimate of order, to enlighten us, to reveal and to instruct us how to live our lives; structured with order. This is the real derech eretz being instructed from HaShem’s creation.

In the same light of reasoning, from the smallest microorganism to the vastest aspects of the universe, the workings of harmony, coordination and ultra interdependency shout shalom. The bees and the plants, the plants and the nitrates in the air, the plants and the rays of the sun, photosynthesis—to mention a speck. Machlokes is diametrically opposed to everything that the creation is composed of and stands for and has no place at all anywhere in the universe. The only exception of shalom in the creation is from the misuse of free will that was given to mankind. This is the only actualization that is found where we can find the opposite of shalom, machlokes.

Just open up the earth and let Korach be swallowed. Any other punishment or affliction would possibly leave some trace of him. This creation is coordination and cooperation—there is not place for machlokes. It is important to always keep in mind that the state of shalom isn’t when you are sitting alone or amongst people that agree about everything. When we are in the presence of those that we are not in agreement with and don’t see “I” to “I” with, and manage to work it out together, this is shalom. The ideal of negating machlokes is inspiring, but the goal is to bear it in mind when our blood is boiling over exasperating issues.

Shabbos Shalom V’Chaim shel Shalom.

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