Parshas Mikaitz (5761)


Parshas Mikaitz (5761)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

We find in Chazal the great tzaddik Yosef is criticized for requesting of the Sar HaMashkim to assist him and to be remembered. It is difficult to understand what was so wrong.

This is the parsha of the big ‘yeshua’ of Yosef HaTzaddik.  It is amazing that the whole redemption evolved from the devastating catastrophes that he was afflicted with.  Every step in the anguish fit together as the building blocks of the great salvation.  Yet for sure the ‘yeshua’ was a magnificent manifestation of great miracles.  The great heights of salvation in his promotion to royalty were surely above all “natural” occurrences or expectations.  To begin with the fact that Pharaoh was affected as he was by the dream was itself a miracle.  There was nothing in the nature of the dreams as we find in horror-filled nightmares, that should have caused such a traumatic reaction.

Why didn’t Pharaoh accept the interpretations of the Egyptian experts?  What was the factor that motivated him to accept the interpretation of Yosef with such complete confidence?

The most amazing miracle is grossly overlooked.  The greatest amount of awe and respect Pharaoh acquired towards Yosef for his brilliant interpretation of the dreams can’t account for appointing him and awarding him absolute rule of the nation.

The devastating experiences Yosef went through being sold by his brothers and what preceded it were clearly steps that lead up to the awesome ‘yeshua’.

The unbelievably degrading experience with the wife of Potifar was an unmistakably clear stepping stone to the ‘yeshua’.

The proper outlook and attitude, the true “ovaid HaShem” and “baal bitachon” have when confronted by an undesirable experience is that this unpleasantness is from Hashem, for his benefit, his welfare and ultimate good.  He takes what seems “bad” and looks at it positively by understanding that HaShem has his benefit in mind.  It is surely commendable to see and understand events in this vein.  There are individuals, however, who are way above this and don’t have to overhaul and convert the seemingly “bad” events.  Their clarity and conviction of HaShem as consistently being the pure “maitiv” is so vivid that they see everything only as the pure “hatava” that it is.

Yosef saw, understood, and appreciated the fact that everything was pure goodness and there was no place for making any requests for help.

Sometimes we can see the unraveling of the events before our eyes like a picture emerging from a Polaroid as the pure goodness becomes apparent.

HaShem, open our eyes, we want to always understand and appreciate.

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