Parshas Vayakhail-Pekudei – Parshas HaChodesh (5761)


Parshas Vayakhail-Pekudei-Parshas HaChodesh (5761)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Our Parsha has the construction of the Mishkan. We are accustomed to the understanding of the concept that the Bais HaMikdash was located at the “Shaar HaShomayim”, the holiest place in the universe. The dimensions of the Bais HaMikdash were given by HaShem to match the corresponding locations. The concept of the Mishkan is similar except that it was temporary. This, however, is obviously not the case since its main function was to serve the travels of Klal Yisroel. This shows that it is diametrically opposed to the concept of the significance of the Bais HaMikdash whose kedusha connects with its parallel in its permanent location.

The Mishkan performs its function not only away from the Makom HaMikdash, away from Yerushalayim, and not even in Eretz Yisroel!! When the Mishkan is set up there is a Kodesh Kadashim in Chutz LaAretz.

The subject of the Bais HaMikdash and Mishkan are dealing with matters of kedusha and Shechina, the depths of which are way beyond our scope of understanding. There is, however, an extremely vital lesson that can be derived from the simplicity of this phenomenon.

The order of creation, of how HaShem established the world, there is a special main location or “headquarters” for the Shechina. The Chazal say that this is compared to the human anatomy that the main life-source is encamped in the head and from there, spreads to the whole body.

HaShem, however, made the possibility that on every centimeter of this earth one has the potential to connect with the essence of Hashem and the Shechina.

The same concept applies to time zones. There are special times that contain kedusha and pour forth special spiritual strengths. One has, however, the potential power to tune in always to these “hashpaos”.

We are now on the verge of sending away the month of Adar with its special merit of simcha. Yet we can still hold on to these blessings of joy—“tov lev mishteh tamid”. Through the right mental frame of mind and positive outlook one will have perpetual joy.

A wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful Chodesh.

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