Parshas Masei (5771)


Parshas Masei (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Perhaps we can deal with the apparent contradiction between 33:3 which says that Klal Yisrael went out of Egypt “biyad ramah” and the very next pasuk which says that the Egyptians were burying their first born, the victims of makas bechoros, which seems to imply that Bnai Yisroel were enabled to leave because the Egyptians were preoccupied with their tragedies and awesome sadness.  The finality and strength of the makas bechoros was the instrumental factor for the decision to release Klal Yisroel.  This was the supreme clarity of Divine rule and control.  It wasn’t just death.  What kind of plague can effect just the first-born and who knows who the first born are, the intimacy of intimacy.  The Creator of the world that knows and controls it all.  Makas Bechoros was the greatest testimony of Hashem’s sovereignty and as Klal Yisroel went out “biyad ramah” with the Egyptians preoccupied with the victims was not to enable Klal Yisroel to sneak out but rather was the greatest demonstration of the Malchus Shomayim manifested in this makah.

We should be zocheh to see the greatest demonstration of Malchus Shomayim with the geula sh’layma bikarov.  Have a wonderful Shabbos and a month of geula and yeshua.

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