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Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos


Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is wondrous that the pasuk expresses the counting of Bnai Yisroel (head count) when it really means shekalim as Rashi explains (1:2). The counting was a very complicated operation. On one hand the counting of individuals brought a plague and the deep secret really lies in the words of Rashi — l’gilgulosam–al yidai shekalim; the head count through shekalim. When deriving the numbers through shekalim one can simply transfer the knowledge of the number onto Klal Yisroel. However, Rashi tells us that the coins represent the head count of Klal Yisroel. The counting was an act of love of Bnai Yisroel and had to be done on the people but that could not be done; to be on the coins itself was meaningless, so it had to be done on Klal Yisroel through the coins. This was such a difficult, deep avodah, that it had to be done with Moshe Rabeinu, Aharon and the Nissiim. With this we can understand the criticism of David HaMelech that perhaps he put too much of an emphasis on Klal Yisroel.

Chag Savuos is the Rosh HaShanah for matan Torah, which means we should make ourselves worthy of being the recipients of the bracha of Torah for the whole year on Shavuos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a significant Chag Shavuos.

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