Parshas Bamidbar and SHAVUOS 5778



Parshas Bamidbar (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

3:16—Rashi presents a great problem, Moshe Rabeinu has to count the population to acquire the census.  How can he invade the privacy of the home and count the infants–a great problem.  The boundaries of tznius, modesty,  The solution was worked out with the Shchinah, dealing with the technicalities.  Such a grand reminder of the great insight of the pillars and standards of our great modesty.


Have a wonderful, fulfilling Shabbos.




For the kabalas HaTorah each of us in our own way has to undertake to stand up to our trials and tests for true Torah accomplishment.


Have a successful and simdcgadike Shavuos with all the brachos.

Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos


Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is wondrous that the pasuk expresses the counting of Bnai Yisroel (head count) when it really means shekalim as Rashi explains (1:2). The counting was a very complicated operation. On one hand the counting of individuals brought a plague and the deep secret really lies in the words of Rashi — l’gilgulosam–al yidai shekalim; the head count through shekalim. When deriving the numbers through shekalim one can simply transfer the knowledge of the number onto Klal Yisroel. However, Rashi tells us that the coins represent the head count of Klal Yisroel. The counting was an act of love of Bnai Yisroel and had to be done on the people but that could not be done; to be on the coins itself was meaningless, so it had to be done on Klal Yisroel through the coins. This was such a difficult, deep avodah, that it had to be done with Moshe Rabeinu, Aharon and the Nissiim. With this we can understand the criticism of David HaMelech that perhaps he put too much of an emphasis on Klal Yisroel.

Chag Savuos is the Rosh HaShanah for matan Torah, which means we should make ourselves worthy of being the recipients of the bracha of Torah for the whole year on Shavuos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a significant Chag Shavuos.

Sefiras HaOmer — Preparation for Matan Torah


Sefiras HaOmer — Preparation for Matan Torah (5772)

It is important to ממשיך the lessons of Pesach into the days of sefira, firstly when fulfilling the mitzvah of זכירת יציאת מצרים twice daily to quickly review the עשר מכות, and secondly, in the morning when reciting אז ישיר care should be taken that it should not be just another paragraph of שבח but it should be an attempt to recapture the feeling of awe that כלל ישראל felt when witnessing the greatest גילו מלכות שמים and expressing it in these very words.

In line for preparing for קבלת התורה we should do the סגולה of the Vilna Gaon for special סייעתא דשמיא that day in learning, that the very first thought that comes to mind upon waking up in the morning should be קבלת עול תורה or we should do so as soon as possible thereafter. The Chazon Ish attributed his success in learning to having special כוונה in five places in davening. Firstly in ברכת התורה, secondly in אהבה רבה in the words ותן בלבנו להבין ולהשכיל, next in the bracha of אתה חונן in שמונה עשרה, next inבריך שמיה in the words ותפתח לבאי באוריתא, and last inובא לציון in the words והוא יפתח לבנו בתורתו.

In accordance with the approaching of the יום טוב of קבלת התורה it is crucial that we have clarity in the importance of the role of לימוד התורה. עולם הזה, this world, is a place of darkness and even when there is at times a clarity of the truth, it is always clouded with shades of darkness and the true value of Torah is not appreciated. However, living in the present time, when there is an awesome darkness in the world, surely the truth is hidden. We must understand that in the entire universe including the massive milky-way there is no act that a person can do in this world that is more important than learning Torah. This includes the great scientists, professors, surgeons, astronauts, or great businessmen with their astronomical wealth. Nothing compares with bending over the גמרא and saying אמר אביי. Despite our great idealism and heroic efforts to persistently carry on our learning, the degradation of Torah that surrounds us takes its toll. It is therefore so important for our קבלת התורה to establish for ourselves a clear picture of the true values. A common example of the זלזול is that at times there is need to consult with a professor on a medical issue and there we find the בן תורה humbled before the great professor with his gray temples and pride. In the world of truth the בן תורה should be seated behind the desk and the great professor should be humbled before the בן תורה. Each בן תורה should have his own car and chauffeur to ride him around and all the great honor that is placed upon the dignitaries of the world should be showered upon him, which will be realized at the time of ביאת המשיח. In the meantime in honor of קבלת התורה the עובדה למעשה is that we should spend a few moments contemplating these thoughts and visualize the true greatness a בן תורה deserves –ויגבה לבו וכו’, and learning from a ספר that sheds light on the חשיבות of Torah such as נפש החיים שער ד’.

Shavuos (5771)

Shavuos (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Chag Shavuos, zman matan Toraseinu, is the “Rosh Hashana” for Torah. On this day we must clearly make our commitment to fulfill our specific, individual Torah obligations.

We should use this day to ask of Hashem to have success in our learning, He should lead us to the ideal circumstance that is necessary for our learning, ideal teachers, subject matter approach and learning partners, together with all that is necessary to give us peace of mind.

Matan Torah is a historical fact of reality. Since Hashem presented all of Klal Yisroel with true prophecy, the torah therefore instructs us Bamibar 25:19) not to forget the day we stood before hashem at har sinai and pass it on to our posterity.

have a simchadike, meaningful yom tov.

Shavuos (5769)


Shavuos (5769)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Every year the Heavenly blessings of bestowing upon Klal Yisroel the Torah repeat on Chag Matan Torasainu.  To make ourselves worthy recipients we must make the appropriate commitment.  We are subjected to a bombardment of confusing and often contradicting appeals for study and we must pray to Hashem to lead us to the system and program which is truly appropo and designed  for our Torah learning needs.  \

Have a wonderful Shavuos and significant kabolas Torah.

Shavuos (5768)


Shavuos (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is amazing to note that despite the psychological and physical torture endured by our nation in Mitzrayim, the great gain of the redemption and freedom was the yearning of the fulfillment of Kabolas HaTorah.

There was a deep, intuitive drive that this was our true life source and formula for success.

The whole world realizes and recognizes that we have a secret, unique, earth shattering, uncomprehensible, one hundred percent successful tool; the Torah.  It makes us indestructible and keeps us above all the laws of “nature”.

Let’s make our Torah commitment, complete for ourselves, our families and for all Klal Yisroel.

Have a successful and simchadike Kabolas HaTorah.

Shavuos (5767)


Shavuos (5767)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The greatest essential of the fulfillment of the kabolas HaTorah in celebrating Chag Shavuos is our recognition and true appreciation and evaluation of how much we owe Hashem for His gift of the Torah.  Through the objective evaluation of how we would perceive ourselves—how we would look today without the Torah…..

Baruch Elokainu Shebranu Lichvodo Vahivdilanu min hatoim.  Hashem intentionally left this open for us to perceive and evaluate and appreciate and thank.

Have a meaningful YomTov.

Chag Shavuos (5766)


Chag Shavuos (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Shavuos is the Rosh Hashana for the receiving of the Torah.  It is the time we receive the Divine allotment for our portion in the Torah.  We must petition to Hashem for absolute success in our study, satisfaction, absolute fulfillment and the Divine granting of all our surrounding needs and physical necessities to facilitate our limud haTorah.

Any vacuum of time not preoccupied with the focus on the above, should be spent with actual learning so as not to exhibit any lack of awe and absolute appreciation of the Torah itself on Shavuos.

We shall surely bring the ultimate of blessings for ourselves and Clal Yisroel for all our needs in gashmius and ruchanius.

Have a wonderful Yom Tov and Shabbos.

Shavuos (5765)

Shavuos (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is very appropriate for us to contemplate what exactly the service expected of us on Shavuos is; with the absence of any specific Mitzvos.  I would venture to say it is the focus on the belief that the written Torah and the oral tradition we have is the true expression of Hashem who is our lifesource, responsible for our heartbeat and our very breath, every moment.
Together with the true appreciation and great evaluation for the epitome of meaningfulness and happiness that the Torah gives us in our lives.  Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov.

Shavuos (5764)


Shavuos (5764)

Chag Shavuos is like a “Rosh Hashana” for Torah.  It is vital that we make a strong commitment towards our responsibility regarding this Mitzvah.

We must remember to undertake to be ‘besimcha’ ; in a happy, positive, disposition during our learning.  We must strive to learn with a true clarity.

We should be zocheh to have a kabalas HaTorah and all its brachos.

Chag Sameach.