Pesach and the Hagadda



Pesach and the Hagaddah (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


Chacham mah hu omair—we don’t delete the tast of the korban Pesach by eating afterwards.  What possibly could be the great significance or importance that we select this above all halachos to share with him?


The purpose of the mitzvos and life in general is to come close and cling to HKB”H.  We accomplish this through the fulfillment of the mitzvos.  When fulfilling the mitzvos with the true and meaningful intent one would or should be filled with the yearning that the closeness with HKB”H will continue.  However in actuality with the completion of the mitzvah the connection with the kedusha and closeness to Hashem is over.  For all those that are fulfilling the mitzvos for their true purpose of achieving the closeness to Hashem, there is a type of disappointment, a yearning for the mitzva to go on and on.  Behold, there is a mitzvah….a mitzvah that because of its physical actuality perhaps a continuation.  A mitzva involving an act of eating; in a way it is a mitzva like others, a maaseh mitzva, however because the reality of eating is taste and taste can linger on there is an aspect where the seeker of the lasting mitzvah can have fulfillment.  To consume something which would actively push away the taste, which is the continuation of the mitzvah, would of course be looked on negatively.


We should merit of achieve the emunah and bitachon from the Hagaddah and leil HaSeder.  Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov.