Parshas Chayei Sara 5779



Parshas Chayei Sara (5779)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


I am sure it is in place to observe and to remark that the relating of Yitzchok and Rivka was written, aesthetically speaking, very special, sweet and beautiful.


Yitzchok coming up from the field engaged in composing and davening Mincha.  Rivka just arrived with the shaliach, gracefully slipping off the camel, observing for the first time her zivug.  Such a special simcha for Yitzchok, having gone through the traumatic experience of the עקידה .  Rivka likewise deserved such a special arrangement from Hashem to meet her zivug; having done such a noble courageous act of leaving the security of her family with Eliezer, a complete stranger, out to a great unknown world.  Probably the holiness of her soul enlightened her to escape from the wickedness and impurity of her surroundings.


With all the hardships and difficult נסיונות they had in their lifetimes, הקב”ה the שולט בכל presented them with this momentous occasion with the epitome of joy and happiness.


Have a wonderful, productive week and good Chodesh.

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