Parshas Emor 5778


Parshas Emor (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


22:3-4  In our parsha we find that the pasuk expresses the term ‘moed’ for Shabbos.  Rashi brings the limud that if one profanes the Yom Tov it is looked upon and considered as chillul Shabbos, and conversely if one upholds the Yom Tov in its completion it is considered as though he glorifies the Shabbos.  The significance of being considered as profaning the Sabbos could be a type of punishment min HaShomayim.  We can perhaps understand it that the essence of Shabbos the dinim of the 39 melachos declares the most essential foundation of emuna in Hashem as the Borei Olam.  This is the open message.  Perhaps we can say that Yom Tov, likewise, has this declaration in the keeping of all the dinim but in a subtle, not open way, and by chas v’shalom profaning is tantamount to being mechalel Shabbos and by  upholding Yom Tov we declare thye positive message of Shabbos.


Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos.

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