Parshas VaYikra



Parshas Vayikra (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


2:13–Rashi brings the significance of the bris melach was something very deep and significant.  It was the manifestation of the yearning of the waters of the earth for shleimus and for closeness to Hashem.  The realization of this was the promise of the chiyuv of salt on the korban.  Mayim tachtonim, where are you and what are you, but you yearn for shleimus and kirvas Hashem.  Hashem said there would be a fulfillment through the requirement of salt on the korban, but this was not sufficient, a bris was needed.  Perhaps the creations to faithfully fulfill their duties must have a reassurance of true purpose, and in this case a bris was necessary.


Have a wonderful Shabbo and a magnificent Chodesh.

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