Parshas Beshalach


Parshas Beshalach (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Hashem commanded Moshe to set aside an omer of the mahn for future generations as a living example and a motivation for them not to overdue their hishtadlus for parnassa at the expense of their limud HaTorah. What possible significance could the mohn from the midbar have for the many generations that followed? The answer is a very deep, significant lesson, that the hanhaga of Shomayim towards Klal Yisroel regarding the seder of parnasa which was manifested in the mohn continued and continues for ever and ever.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5772)


Parshas Beshalach (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi at the beginning of Beshalach (13:18) in his explanation of “Vachamushim” using the expression l’saber es haozen and it is not clear whether he meant that Klal Yisroel went out with an actual arsenal of battle equipment or the pasuk just mentions for some reason but not to say that in reality they were equipped.

Perhaps we can offer an insight to the meaning of the pasuk in a way of a literal translation based on the depth of reality that since the real and actual tool that was used in the battle against Amalek was the intensive concentration of ‘ain od milvado’ which was the emuna and bitachon in Hashem. Accordingly, in the true sense of the word ‘chamushim’ yatzu– they went out prepared — Klal Yisroel was certainly equipped with the emuna and bitachon which was their true tool.

Rashi offers an alternate seemingly unrelated explanation of ‘chamushim’ alluding to the fact only one out of five actually went out of Mitzrayim, the others were deemed unworthy among other things for their lack of belief. Perhaps we can say now that if not for the fact that they were Divinely prevented from going out, they would have joined the believers, and they would have nullified the true tool of battle which was the firm belief of the faithful. What this amounts to is that the seemingly unrelated perush of Chazal is really one with Rashi’s first pshat — shnayhem olim b’koneh echad.

Have a wonderful week and success in all your endeavors.

Parshas Beshalach (5771)


Parshas Beshalach (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi brings at the beginning of the parsha that Hashem rerouted Klal Yisroel for the fear that it might even enter their minds to reconsider their willingness to leave Mitzrayim.  How awesome, how Hashem deals and connects with our thoughts.

The Shira we say every day is the expression of Klal Yisroel and Moshe Rabeinu having witnessed the most awesome revelation of the malchus Shomayim.  It is of utmost importance that we connect with it in that way.

The darkness of our galus daily increases the callousness of our relating to our fellow man.  The avodas hazman is to do everything in our power to overcome this and to show our love and concern to all the neshamos around us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5770)


Parshas Beshalach (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

An awesome lesson may be learned from the simplicity of the opening pasuk of our parsha.  Hashem had Klal Yisroel take the long way out of Mitzrayim so that in case they would be faced with dangers they would not be easily discouraged and possibly regret having left Mitzrayim.  This obviously was something that was a test which they had to stand up to.  The Divine wisdom placed them in the right position needed for the test to be “fair” for them; without having an over temptation to return.  We must always remember that this principle holds true for the tests that are presented to us.  Often we place ourselves in positions which make the test more difficult.

Have a meaningful Tu B’Shvat and a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5769)


Parshas Beshalach (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In pasuk 4:16 “l’maan anasenu”—the mahn was given as a “test”.  Hashem could have sustained them in other ways.  Don’t “leave” over for tomorrow and don’t collect on Shabbos.  That is on erev Shabbos leave over for Shabbos.  The great test is the whole week don’t leave for tomorrow.  On erev Shabbos LEAVE  for tomorrow.  Don’t leave, do leave.  It ‘s all the will of Hashem.

Don’t make the action an end, only the Will of Hashem; don’t wear shatnez but on the bigdei kehuna and tzitzis wear shatnez.  Don’t kill and value human life, even Sdom; Amalek—kill them.  Only the Will of Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5767)


Parshas Beshalach (5767)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Hashem’s true love and kindness is inherent in the whole creation but in the tree and its fruit it is most apparent.

Klal Yisroel besides being worthy of all the miracles, actually brought about the krias Yam Suf, the Mon and the success in the war with Amalek with their firm belief.

This should be an inspiration to us to strengthen our emuna,  We should be worthy to see the geula sh’layma in our days.  Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5765)


Parshas Beshalach (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha we have the Shira.  From the simple fact that it was recited as a reaction to the greatest miracle, plus the input of the Chazal as to its being very special,the ShiraHown reading through its simple text one fails to comprehend its greatness.  We should all be worthy to understand its true depth.

At least as we stand daily and recite these meaningful words we should attempt to capture the scene of Hashem’s salvation.  Standing at the edge of the sea and seeing Hashem’s destruction of our oppressor and the happiness, gratefulness and insightful recognition of the glory of our Creator.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach (5762)


Parshas Beshalach (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our sedra we have the actual yetzias mitzrayim, the miraculous departure and greatly yearned for expulsion of Clal Yisrael from Egypt.  This was the climax and the ultimate of the ten plagues.  There is a twofold awesome benefit we are to derive and gain from this  Firstly, this was the greatest and most open demonstration of the kingdom, supremacy and dominion that Hashem extends over the universe.

Secondly, the strongest motivation for serving Hashem is the gratitude we have for this salvation.

If we are being treated with CPR we cannot speak words that aren’t appropo with the very breath of our savior to him.. How do we find ourselves going against Hashem, our savior?

I have never been able to uncover this secret.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Beshalach: The Shirav (5760)

Parshas Beshalach: The Shirav (5760)
By: Mordechai Dolinsky

The Shiras HaYam in our Sedra are the words that were emitted from the mouth of Moshe Rabbenu and Klal Yisroel after having experienced the greatest demonstration and revelation of Hashem.  This is exactly what should be and was said to express the ultimate of praise, appreciation and gratitude for the ultimate from Hashem.  Every word and sequence of words expresses exactly in the best way the thoughts they convey.

The Shira begins relating that Moshe and Klal Yisroel all exclaimed together these words.  This includes millions of people, all expressing simultaneously the Shira.  The conventional understanding of this is that it was a miracle, some type of supernatural prophecy that was placed in their mouths.  This insight is that these words were said since they were the exact expression of the praise.

How do we see in these words such praise, such enthusiasm and inspiration?  The Medrash 26:1 brings the Chazal that the throne which is the kingdom of Hashem was not complete until the reciting of the Shira.  Oh, to understand  these seemingly simple stanzas…

One observation I would like to share—there are two main themes throughout the Shira—the highness and greatness of HaShem and His helping us—down to the smallest details.  This is perhaps one of the high points of greatness of how HaShem relates to the world.  It is also something that is difficult for us to deal with.  HaShem being so high, yet being so concerned and helpful down to the smallest detail.

Saying the Shira is also a ‘segula’ in a time of danger.  We should all be worthy to again say Shira for the great redemption.

Parshas Beshalach (5761)


Parshas Beshalach (5761)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Shira we have in this week’s sedra is a unique, intensive expression of the highest level of praise to Hashem.  This was the consequence of the peek of inspiration resulting from the awesome Krias Yam Suf experience.  The revelation of malchus Shmayim which emerged from the sequence of events brought Moshe and Klal Yisroel to a high level of ruach hakodesh and prophesy; the words of the Shira emenated from their hearts and lips.

Understanding the Shira in this proper perspective makes it quite puzzling as to why these significant passages were included in the daily morning psukai di’zimra.  It should at least bring us to the realization that we have to somehow relate to the Krias Yam Suf with some level of true inspiration of the event.  Through trying to visualize the scene we attempt to relive it as our own experience.

Along with the insight of the importance of the Shira also comes the realization of the necessity to concentrate on its contents and delve into its meaning.

In simplicity it seems like the Shira is the flow of different thoughts woven together, however by carefully observing we can be enlightened to seven major themes.

The raising of the glory of Hashem
Ki Gaoh Ga-ah
Ze Keili Vianveyhu
Elokai Avi Va-aromemenhu

(For each theme there are a considerable amount of examples.  However due to technical reasons it is difficult to enumerate all so I will just give samples of each and I hope this will serve as an opening for the others to be discovered).

Hashem destroys the enemies
Yemincha Hashem Tiratz Oyaiv
Taharos Komecha

The wicked intent of the Egyptians
Omar Oyaiv Erdof
Achalek Shalal

The hardening of the waters
Biruach apecha neermu mayim
Kimo Ned Nozlim

5.  The drowning of the Egyptians
Soos Virochbo Rama Bayam
Markivos Paroh Vicheilo Yoro Bayam

The resulting fear of the Goyim
Shomu Amim Yirgozun
Chil Achaz Yoshvai Pilashes
Oz Nivhalu Alufei Edom

The supreme Geulas Yisroel
Naihalta Biozcho El Nivei Kodshecha
Tivieimo Visitaeimo Behar Nachalascha

We should all generate the strengthening of the foundations of our emuna from the Parsha.  It should be a source of inspiration for us in these trying times and we should very shortly see the glory of Hashem revealed forever.