Parshas Beshalach (5761)


Parshas Beshalach (5761)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Shira we have in this week’s sedra is a unique, intensive expression of the highest level of praise to Hashem.  This was the consequence of the peek of inspiration resulting from the awesome Krias Yam Suf experience.  The revelation of malchus Shmayim which emerged from the sequence of events brought Moshe and Klal Yisroel to a high level of ruach hakodesh and prophesy; the words of the Shira emenated from their hearts and lips.

Understanding the Shira in this proper perspective makes it quite puzzling as to why these significant passages were included in the daily morning psukai di’zimra.  It should at least bring us to the realization that we have to somehow relate to the Krias Yam Suf with some level of true inspiration of the event.  Through trying to visualize the scene we attempt to relive it as our own experience.

Along with the insight of the importance of the Shira also comes the realization of the necessity to concentrate on its contents and delve into its meaning.

In simplicity it seems like the Shira is the flow of different thoughts woven together, however by carefully observing we can be enlightened to seven major themes.

The raising of the glory of Hashem
Ki Gaoh Ga-ah
Ze Keili Vianveyhu
Elokai Avi Va-aromemenhu

(For each theme there are a considerable amount of examples.  However due to technical reasons it is difficult to enumerate all so I will just give samples of each and I hope this will serve as an opening for the others to be discovered).

Hashem destroys the enemies
Yemincha Hashem Tiratz Oyaiv
Taharos Komecha

The wicked intent of the Egyptians
Omar Oyaiv Erdof
Achalek Shalal

The hardening of the waters
Biruach apecha neermu mayim
Kimo Ned Nozlim

5.  The drowning of the Egyptians
Soos Virochbo Rama Bayam
Markivos Paroh Vicheilo Yoro Bayam

The resulting fear of the Goyim
Shomu Amim Yirgozun
Chil Achaz Yoshvai Pilashes
Oz Nivhalu Alufei Edom

The supreme Geulas Yisroel
Naihalta Biozcho El Nivei Kodshecha
Tivieimo Visitaeimo Behar Nachalascha

We should all generate the strengthening of the foundations of our emuna from the Parsha.  It should be a source of inspiration for us in these trying times and we should very shortly see the glory of Hashem revealed forever.

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