Shavuos (5760)

Shavuos (5760)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

One of the strongest words of warning in the Chumash is the following: “Rock HiShamer Lecha U’Shmor Nafshecha Meod Pen Tishkach Es HaDevorim Asher Rau Ainecha U’pen Yasuru Milevavcha Kol Yemai Chayecha. ViHodatem Livanecha V’Livnei Vanecha Yom Asher Amadita Lifnei HaShem Elokecha BiChorev” . Why is the Torah so concerned about our remembering the sight of Matan Torah? The Kuzari brings out a very basic insight. Everyone perceives our relationship to the Torah as emuna, we must have the faith and flex our belief muscles that HaShem gave us the Torah. The Kuzari points out that this is wrong.

All the belief systems of the world narrow down to one individual who claims to have had some contact with Divinity. Maybe he did or maybe he didn’t—you can take it or leave it. If he had a persuasive personality he could convince tens or tens of thousands and then it could get to be millions. Hehavdil Elef Havdalos only the Torah HaKedosha makes the claim that at Har Sinai Hashem addressed all Klal Yisroel—everybody, millions. You can tell me that HaShem spoke to you but you can’t tell me that HaShem spoke to me and have me accept it unless it is the absolute truth. This claim is made in the Chumash itself. The Chumash goes back historically very far and makes this claim openly–the glorious scene of Kabalas HaTorah involving millions of people. Bnai Yisroel is a stubborn, questioning people, Am Kishai Oref. If Kabalas HaTorah hadn’t been known as absolute truth it would have been laughed out of existence. We are talking about a historical fact that was known by the masses for generations and generations.

ViHodatam Livanecha—pass on to your children, ViLivnei Vanecha—to your progenity, Yom Asher Amaditah Lifnei Hashem Elokecha BiChorev.

Chag Sameach to all together with all the brachos of Kabalas HaTorah in Gashmius and Ruchnius.

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